Last weekend at our women's retreat, we focused on truly what a Proverbs woman is. It doesn't matter whether you are single or married, live alone, with roommates, with family members and so on, you still have a home to build. Proverbs 14:1 says, "A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands." The Lord gave me a picture of the home of a wise woman and the home of a foolish woman.
Before any construction can begin, there are some important people needed. First an architect, second a contractor and a blue print. Lastly an inspector. The Lord showed me that God is our architect, Jesus is our contractor, the blue print is the Bible and the inspector is the Holy Spirit. God already has your design in mind. His Word gives us direction. Jesus is the contractor because of his death and resurrection he made building a wise home possible. The Holy Spirit on the other hand is the one who helps us keep in check as to whether we are living to God's standard.
Like the foolish man in the song, who builds his house on the sand which is unstable, so is the foolish woman's home. The foolish woman's foundation is built on fear. A few years ago, I began listening to how often I and other ladies would use "I'm afraid, I'm worried, or I'm scared" in their conversation. I was shocked at how often we say it without thinking twice. I'm as guilty as anyone. Fear also means reverence. When we live in fear, we worship our circumstances instead of God.
This brought me to the thought of what kind of walls a foolish woman's home has. The are walls of anxiety or worry, control (of everything around her), anger and complaining. When a home is built on fear it compromises everything else that is built on it. Romans 8:15 says "For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave to fear, but your received the spirit of Sonship." When we accept Jesus as our "contractor" we are no longer slaves to the fears of this world. What I mean is in bondage by the chains that we are bound to. Maybe similar to someone who is under house arrest.
The home of a wise woman, is the complete opposite of the foolish. Her home is built on a solid foundation, the rock of faith. A foundation built on faith can withstand any storm. Psalm 111:10 says, "Fear (or reverence) of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom." (NLT) A wise woman is one who is confident because she knows her "architect" has the best plans in mind. She has a relationship with her "contractor." She's willing to submit to her "inspector" and daily goes over the blueprint to make sure she is sticking with the plan. The walls of a wise woman's home are peaceful instead of anxious, self-controlled instead of in-control, joyful instead of angry, and thankful instead of a complainer. A home built with these four walls can stand up in any kind of circumstance.
What if half of your home is built with wisdom and there are times it is built on foolishness? James 1:8 says "a double-minded person is unstable in all they do." This reminds me of the show on HGTV called "Holmes on Homes." Mike Holmes is a contractor who comes in and finds all of the mistakes that neglectful contractors have made on home improvements or repairs. He comes in and tears everything out and starts over. Who does that sound like? Jesus! Even if you have found yourself in a home that has been compromised by fear, the good news is that Jesus will come in and make all the repairs and make you like new. Not only does he make the repairs, but he already paid for the labor and materials at the cross.
I pray today that if you are finding yourself in a home that needs some improvement, go to your Architect, Contractor and Inspector and ask them to make your "home" one of faith. Read your "blueprint" and get the Great Architect's plan down inside of you as you lay a new foundation. A house built on wisdom will withstand any storm.