As I continued driving, I began a conversation with God about wanting desperately to see Him move and for His Spirit to reign. We, followers of Jesus, talk all the time about waiting for revival and for Him to move in a supernatural way. Much like the western portion of the U.S., we have been in a spiritual drought. We were in one prior to 2020, but now that we are heading into 2022, the Church seems drier than ever. It's been challenging to get people back into the routine of attending church which is often discouraging for the pastor and those serving. I cried out to the Lord and said "Father, please rain upon us and saturate us so that we can feel your presence." It's then when I had that nudge from the Holy Spirit that said, "I have been reigning/raining." I thought "What? Where? I don't see it." I thought for a moment, well, if His Spirit is in us, and it's His desire to partner with us, then.... I heard Him say, "You are the the reign drops!" Each one of us carries His Spirit in us and as His children we are everywhere. Jesus said, "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:38, NKJV) That means WE are the ones who hold the spiritual water that we are so thirsty for. When we, who profess to follow Jesus, live as "light" and "salt" we should be the ones saturating the earth with the Good News of Jesus!
I've been sitting with this now for a few days. The more I think about it, the more I realize it's possible for us to flood the earth with the Holy Spirit by walking in the fruit of the Spirit. As a native Californian, I'm used to living in a dry place and conserving water. As John 7:38 reminds us, we have rivers of living water that continually flow, we need to stop conserving the gift that we hold. I want to encourage you today, to open the flood gates of "reign" that dwell within you. Together we can pour out His Spirit and hydrate the dehydrated! "Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices
shouting in heaven: 'The world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord
and of his Christ, and he will REIGN forever and ever.'" (Revelation 11:15, NLT) I want to encourage you that YOU are His reign drop!