I am thankful that I have the privilege of hosting Thanksgiving at my home this year. The other day as I was going through my recipes and pulling out our Thanksgiving family favorites, the Lord showed me something very interesting. In every recipe that I will be preparing, including dessert, salt is a common ingredient.
Salt is so simple yet it has so many uses. Not only is is used to add flavor, but as a dietary mineral that our bodies need, a preservative and a healing aid. Did you know that it was also used in the Bible as a covenant? In Leviticus 2:3, the Lord tells the Israelites that they are add salt as a covenant to their grain offerings and all other offerings.
I also find it very interesting that the Dead Sea, also known as the Salt Sea, is the body of water the Israelites had to pass as they entered the Promised Land. The Lord made a covenant with His people and promised them the land flowing with milk and honey and in that same region a reminder of His Covenant of Salt.
In Matthew 5:13, Jesus said we are the salt of the earth. We as followers of Jesus are to be flavorful and should bring words life and healing to those around us. Salt has a downside as well. Too much salt can cause hypertension, heartburn and water retention. Sometimes we as Christians "over salt" our conversations by arguing our faith with non-believers and even sometimes with each other. It can especially get "over salted" when we gather with family members who don't yet know Jesus. The conversation that could have been flavorful and satisfying, can easily become bitter if we don't allow our words to be grace filled as well. Paul says in Colossians 4:6 "Let your conversations be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."
This Thursday, Thanksgiving day, there will be salt on the table. Whether you will be spending this holiday with family, friends, believers, unbelievers, or possibly with people you don't know very well, let that salt shaker on the table, be a reminder of your conversation. As wonderful as it is for families and friends to gather on this day, it can be difficult for others, especially when not everyone shares your faith. Eating food with too much salt doesn't taste very good. It is very important that you allow the Holy Spirit to "sprinkle" your words as needed throughout your conversations. Keep the ears of your heart open to him so that your conversation will be full of grace.